Monday, February 29, 2016

Keep the Circles of Liberation Free of Deviant Traitors!

Dr. Umar Johnson Speaks on Homosexuality in the African American Community

Homosexuality is population control for Blacks!

Dr. Umar Johnson states, "Homosexuality is population control for Blacks"

Fags in PanAfrican Circles

Black Children Under Sexual Assault

Is Homosexuality Destructive For The Black Family?

Guest Speakers

Dr. Marimba Ani, Mwalimu K. Bomani Baruti, Dawah Yisrael & Wakesa Madzimoyo

Thursday, February 25, 2016


Some of you Black Nationalists and Pan Africans have to wise up. Black Greeks/Boule and Freemasons aren't on the side of Africa. They are sworn knights of European civilization. We are in a war, European civilization v.s African civilization, with Africa being the ancient order that the Knights of Templar, The Vatican, the Zionists and Islamic Arabs spent centuries destroying and conquering the world. After taking over all economy and knowledge everywhere they erected a new order, one which is open to Africans to join but they must swear an oath to uphold and help destroy any and all traces of the ancient order of Africa. Many of these weak minded Africans who take these oaths do so deceiving themselves,saying the stolen traces of  Egyptian knowledge is within Freemasonry that means its African knowledge. Many Egyptians scrolls and knowledge systems were stolen and the moral code eradicated replaced by living off the whim. Weak minds always made allowances for why they are bowing down, we know this as a part of human nature, or rather something demonic creeping into the flesh and people feeding this demon with ignorance. But all Black Greeks/Freemasons are knights of European civilization and they are of no help to us. Marcus Garvey got bite in the backside by these same traitors believing that joining, doing business with them, would help promote his change. Booker T. Washington made the same mistake as so many of you will make this same foolish mistake. Malcolm X and the Honorable Elijah Muhammand, along with Min. Louis Farrakhan all Masons. Somehow history repeats because people repeat history making the same mistakes. We who are Pro Black, which means Pro African civilization, must unite with Africa in its traditional sense, because traditional Africa is the ancient order of Africa. There are many kings in Africa excited at this time because they know the alignment is on the side of the African now. Africa's civilization still lives and they are posed to make a comeback. But don't trust these knights of darkness, they are our worst enemies. Blacks who feel no loyalty to the kings of Africa because the White kings feed, clothe and house their every need. Watch this movie scene, "BraveHeart" as William Wallace finds out that the Scotland king is nothing more than a knight for the king of England. Scotland as in Scottish Rite Freemasonry aka Prince Hall aka Black Greeks aka Boule. Learn and you may live long or get stabbed in the back by traitors.

This homosexual agenda is being promoted in the community by Black secret societies members. Some Black Greeks are openly gay and others are in the closet. Yet the ones in the closet have husbands and wives, both men and women gays, coming out taking stances supporting homosexuality as normal. This tricks people because they seem them as upstanding and God loving people who are now in support of something traditionally, morally and naturally wrong. Yet Freemason/Boule people have prestige and money in the community, which makes lots of our people go along with any agenda they recommend. Our concern should not be the Whites but bringing order to our own communities. Some of you are afraid to take this step because you are simply afraid to confront yourself or your evil twin. But we don't need dead weights, we don't need traitors, we don't need those who are working against the rise of Africa to inflate our numbers for prestige. If we take this approach this issue will never be solved in this generation. No change comes without price including losing some family members who are on the wrong side of history. The cosmic alignment has changed and Africa is rising. We are living at the crossroads of the change of worlds and the choice we make is a soul evolution or devolution.