Thursday, January 28, 2016

Sexual Warfare: Blacks vs Homos War

white-sex Battle #1 - Last Round 5: Irritated Genie vs. Devout Promosexual

"Homosexuality" & Slavery: The History of Black Homosexuality in America

Did you know that during slavery in the U.S. gay white slaveholders would buy male slaves to engage in forced homosexual sex acts?

These male slaves were purchase based entirely on the prerequisite of them possessing a large penis.
Black men were routinely raped by their gay slave owners. The process was known as “breaking the buck”. It involves perhaps the most heinous and atrocious acts known to man.
A strapping Negro slave, who was defiant, surly and may stir up trouble, was beaten with a whip till bloody in front of his entire slave congregation. The slave owner, deathly afraid of an uprising, would cut down a tree and, with the help of the overseer, would then pummel the deviant “buck” into submission. Once the slave was worn down, the white master had the other Negro slaves force him over the tree stump where his britches would be removed and he laid fully exposed and ripe for the taking.
What came next caused fear and terror to ripple through every slave plantation across the South.
The master, drunk on blood lust, would explain to all strong, young black men that if they do not follow strict orders and comply with the whims of the Overseer and the Master, this too would be their fate. He removed his own clothing and proceeded to savagely sodomize the buck in front his wife, family, friends and children. He then invited his associates from other plantations to join in the ** Festivities.
In order for his plan to take effect, he would require the buck’s male child to watch, front row center, so he too can witness his father’s sexual demise and humiliation. Buck Breaking was the slave master’s very effective tool to keep all young black slaves from ever being defiant and taking revenge. It also frightened the mother’s and wives from ever giving consent to an uprising.
Buck Breaking was so successful that it was made into a “Sex Farm” where white men could travel from plantation to plantation feeding their sadistic, homosexual needs. If there was ever any doubt that the white race is our mortal enemy, please remove all doubt and see the truth for what it is.

The 1772 Gay Platform
The 1972 Gay Rights Platform
Platform created at the National Coalition of Gay Organizations Convention held in Chicago in 1972

1. Amend all federal Civil Rights Acts, other legislation and government controls to prohibit discrimination in employment, housing, public accommodations and public services.

2. Issuance by the President of an executive order prohibiting the military from excluding for reasons of their sexual orientation, persons who of their own volition desire entrance into the Armed Services; and from issuing less-than-fully-honorable discharges for homosexuality; and the upgrading to fully honorable all such discharges previously issued, with retroactive benefits.

3. Issuance by the President of an executive order prohibiting discrimination in the federal civil service because of sexual orientation, in hiring and promoting; and prohibiting discriminations against homosexuals in security clearances.

4. Elimination of tax inequities victimizing single persons and same-sex couples.

5. Elimination of bars to the entry, immigration and naturalization of homosexual aliens.

6. Federal encouragement and support for sex education courses, prepared and taught by gay women and men, presenting homosexuality as a valid, healthy preference and lifestyle as a viable alternative to heterosexuality.

7. Appropriate executive orders, regulations and legislation banning the compiling, maintenance and dissemination of information on an individual's sexual preferences, behavior, and social and political activities for dossiers and data banks.

8. Federal funding of aid programs of gay men's and women's organizations designed to alleviate the problems encountered by Gay women and men which are engendered by an oppressive sexist society.

9. Immediate release of all Gay women and men now incarcerated in detention centers, prisons and mental institutions because of sexual offense charges relating to victimless crimes or sexual orientation; and that adequate compensation be made for the physical and mental duress encountered; and that all existing records relating to the incarceration be immediately expunged.


1. All federal legislation and programs enumerated in Demands 1, 6, 7, 8, and 9 above should be implemented at the State level where applicable.

2. Repeal of all state laws prohibiting private sexual acts involving consenting persons; equalization for homosexuals and heterosexuals for the enforcement of all laws.

3. Repeal all state laws prohibiting solicitation for private voluntary sexual liaisons; and laws prohibiting prostitution, both male and female.

4. Enactment of legislation prohibiting insurance companies and any other state-regulated enterprises from discriminating because of sexual orientation, in insurance and in bonding or any other prerequisite to employment or control of one's personal demesne.

5. Enactment of legislation so that child custody, adoption, visitation rights, foster parenting, and the like shall not be denied because of sexual orientation or marital status.

6. Repeal of all state laws prohibiting transvestism and cross-dressing.

7. Repeal of all laws governing the age of sexual consent.

8. Repeal of all legislative provisions that restrict the sex or number of persons entering into a marriage unit; and the extension of legal benefits to all persons who cohabit regardless of sex or numbers.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

( Am I homophobic? No, I don’t fear homosexuals. But I do deal with facts and the devastation that homosexuality is doing to our African American community, our families, our churches and our value system. Is this hate speech? No, it is freedom of speech – and freedom of speech does not just apply to agreeable speech, ideas and mindsets. So if you are offended, then the truth offends you. But its time someone spoke up to the sin of homosexuality. I call homosexuality what God calls it, perversion and abomination. So if you have a problem with that, you have a problem with Him, not me. I judge nothing, but I am not afraid to relay the message regarding what has already been judged by God.

There is a strategic and deliberate effort by the powers that be who control the media, the music industry and the feminist groups to emasculate men (specifically African American), reduce our roles and impact in society and create a new class of effeminate young men who are lost and who think their behavior is normal. People like Tyler Perry and Oprah Winfrey are on board with this plan and it is happening even as we speak. The sociological acceptance of deviant behavior such as homosexuality is gradually becoming more accepted as it infects our schools, our churches, our TV shows, our literature, our music and our youth. As the perversion spirals out of control, we are seeing our young people under the illusion that they can change gender and more confused about what they were born to be than ever. A young masculine boy (down low) suddenly wants a “tranny” or an effeminate boy or to be a girl. A young feminine girl wants a girl (stud) who looks, acts and dresses like a boy. None of these youths know who they are, what they are, how they should act or who they were created to be.

As far back as slaves were brought here and beyond Willie Lynch, there has been a plan implemented against us. If you want to destroy the black man, you break up and redefine his family structure, you cloud or minimize his role and wipe away his identity, you incarcerate him, you devalue him, you create the socio-economic conditions that will cause him to break the law to survive, you make him undesirable to the African American woman, you profile and ostracize him then you reduce his reproduction. This is exactly what gay-agenda-2015is happening strategically, systematically and sociologically, right under your nose. And those who are pushing this agenda are doing so by using man’s desire to rebel against God as the match that lights the fuse. So I ask are you going to help blow out the fuse or are you bringing a blow torch to make it worse? DO NOT ACCEPT HOMOSEXUALITY.

Our youth are confused about who they are, who they should desire and how they should act. Little by little, real male role models are being erased and replaced with perverted and unproductive images and behaviors. Actors in dresses (Jamie Foxx, Martin Lawrence, Will Smith, Terry Kruse, Tyler Perry etc.) have become amusing and acceptable in our community and too many of us are trading part of our soul for money, fame or a laugh. The wrong way has become so acceptable that the right way is looked at as the wrong thing. African American men are becoming effeminate and emasculated with the help of famous people like Oprah Winfrey and the “prancing elites” bs, yet many of our people go right on supporting her, watching her shows and buying her magazine. Oprah Winfrey has no concept of who God is and thus she has a clouded concept of right and wrong. Do you?

We must stop supporting any image, concept, practice or ideology that contributes to the sabotage or destruction of the African American community. No excuses. We cannot and we must not aid in our own demise. We have to see the big picture and recognize there is an agenda put in place against us, not for us. Am I perfect? No. Do I sin? Yes. Do I want to or make excuses for it? No. Do I blame God for my behavior? No. Am I working to change behaviors that I know are wrong? Yes. Being a heterosexual does not make me perfect, but I neither struggle with nor accept homosexuality at any time, under any conditions. I don’t want sensitivity classes because I do not plan to be sensitive to obvious perversion and blatant immorality. What about you?

Apparently homosexuals think they have better practices than God so let’s see. Let’s look at the facts. Two homosexuals cannot reproduce and there is a biological reason for that, like it or not. This means the more homosexual couples there are, the more our reproduction numbers drop in the “black” community. The father’s involvement with the child increases dopamine in the child’s brain (the motivator chemical), like it or not. The mother’s involvement with the child balances serotonin levels in the child, like it or not. Therefore both parents are biochemically necessary. Homosexuality hurts your spirit, your psyche, your family, your example, your community and your race.
The homosexual agenda is packed with propaganda through TV, music and movies that penetrate your subconscious to force you to accept or tolerate such immorality and perversion. People do what they see others doing and peer pressure for young people is putting the nails in the coffin. As a family and relationship counselor, mediator and life coach, I have seen numerous cases where a parent is faced with accepting a homosexual child. I have children and would I accept such behavior? Hell no. It is not the parent’s responsibility to accept deviant social behavior from his/her child that is counterproductive. It is not a parent’s responsibility to accept perverse behavior from the child, especially when such behavior is highly contrary to the value system of the household and poison to the family. Where are clueless parents getting the idea that they must accept the behavior no matter what? Wrong.

Without clearly defined role models. what do we expect our children to do or be? They are seeking an identity and what are many of our people giving them? Promiscuity, bisexuality, homosexuality, transexuality, transgenders and anything but a sense of being happy with who they are. Such a message confuses them and implies that God made a mistake when He created them. This weakens their concept of God, gender roles and right and wrong. We all have thoughts of doing the wrong thing at sometime in our lives, whether such thoughts are about cheating, keeping something we found, falsifying timesheets or taxes, driving without insurance, leaving a restaurant without paying etc. But that does not mean we are to act on such thoughts. No, because we have moral and spiritual barriers. If these are taken away, our sense of right and wrong goes right along with them. That is what is happening today. You may not like this article but you don’t have to interact with me. You do, however, have to look up and look in the mirror

.The Bible says we are to capture thoughts that exalt themselves against the knowledge of God (II Corinthians 10:5). We are not to entertain them, act on them and then make excuses for them or blame Him. If you believe this, you understand my point – and this article. But if you don’t therein lies your problem. If we do things just to have our own way, we rebel against the right way, the best way, the most productive way. And in the long run we will wake up or we will lose. There is a way that seems right to man, but in the end there is a loss of more than we can ever imagine.
For some of you who read these words, they will change your life forever. For others, may these words give you the empowerment and encouragement to change the lives of others. But either way, know this. I wrote this article to bring people up and out and set them free.

Interviews Professor Smalls

"Homosexuality in the Black Community"

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4


Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Dr. Umar Johnson, Warrior for Children. 

Irritated Genie explains
The Homosexual War Against the Rise of Africa

Minister Farrakhan speaks!

The Homosexual Agenda

***New Video***

The Real Gay Agenda Feat Irritated Genie and Rev Phil Valentine

The Gay Lie

Destinies Ministries

Powerful Christian Truth

Molestation in Black Community; Are we protecting the Pedophiles? 5-11-16

There's come a time to take a stand for something as well as against a force. Very few people in America go against rising tide of abominations, pedophilia, homosexuality, sick and perverse entertainment, men raising themselves up as gods.  We live in such times as the last days. The last days of Western civilization that has always waged spiritual and cultural war against African civilization. This has come in the form of paleskin Europeans, descendants of Albinos, succumbing to every taboo that Almighty God has forbid. Using sexual manipulation, witchcraft, phony religion, economic suppression, and military conquest to impose rights that defy the laws of most civilized nation as well as the laws of the Almighty God. This has over the centuries, 400 years of suffering for people of color, domination of women, destroying of motherhood, and most importantly, the most vulnerable children. Even animals have suffered physically, spiritually, and fated with extinction under an unnatural and vernacular order called Western Civilization, that of the so-called "White". Where White, the color, is supposed to be a symbol of purity, refinement, love, forgiveness and affiliated with Olodumare's pure and holy spirit. Western world is not the type civilization of freedom and god loving as the ancient kingdoms of Africa, which they invaded and ram shacked. Cultures where children were protected by Kings and Queens on down to chiefs and priesthoods of men and women.