Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Dr. Umar Johnson, Warrior for Children. 

Irritated Genie explains
The Homosexual War Against the Rise of Africa

Minister Farrakhan speaks!

The Homosexual Agenda

***New Video***

The Real Gay Agenda Feat Irritated Genie and Rev Phil Valentine

The Gay Lie

Destinies Ministries

Powerful Christian Truth

Molestation in Black Community; Are we protecting the Pedophiles? 5-11-16

There's come a time to take a stand for something as well as against a force. Very few people in America go against rising tide of abominations, pedophilia, homosexuality, sick and perverse entertainment, men raising themselves up as gods.  We live in such times as the last days. The last days of Western civilization that has always waged spiritual and cultural war against African civilization. This has come in the form of paleskin Europeans, descendants of Albinos, succumbing to every taboo that Almighty God has forbid. Using sexual manipulation, witchcraft, phony religion, economic suppression, and military conquest to impose rights that defy the laws of most civilized nation as well as the laws of the Almighty God. This has over the centuries, 400 years of suffering for people of color, domination of women, destroying of motherhood, and most importantly, the most vulnerable children. Even animals have suffered physically, spiritually, and fated with extinction under an unnatural and vernacular order called Western Civilization, that of the so-called "White". Where White, the color, is supposed to be a symbol of purity, refinement, love, forgiveness and affiliated with Olodumare's pure and holy spirit. Western world is not the type civilization of freedom and god loving as the ancient kingdoms of Africa, which they invaded and ram shacked. Cultures where children were protected by Kings and Queens on down to chiefs and priesthoods of men and women.

Pan African which Dr. Umar Johnson champions is the resurgence of African civilization to the forefront of human minds. That we are the first world of light and our cosmic destiny is to evolve the world into the perfections of the Almighty One. The revival of our ancestor's way of life is not wrong for us. But we face traitors, the vile among us, those who have sworn blood oaths, possessed with demons, and have modeled themselves after the culture of our enemies. These men and women whom we would call our brothers and sisters are our worst enemies. Twice they have destroyed Back to Africa movements, they oppose the rise of Africa and they help the enemy to kill off their own people. We must not give in to them. We must not have sympathy for the enemy traitors. We must identify traitors and run them from among us, as our African fathers, revolutionaries Africans on the continent have done. We may not hold the judicial authority to punish these lowly characters but we must expose them before they can do harm. 

The honorable Marcus Garvey said,

This is a spiritual war and the Black Nationalist and Pan African community must not waver. We must stick to our guns. Now we have the biggest economic development initiative going the traitors are up to the same old tricks that they used against Black Nationalists and Pan African leaders of the past. The secret society of men and women love to calumniate the esteem legacy of the righteous champions of justice among us. They are vile slanders and character defamers. Do we allow our movement to be dispersed like it was in the past? Or do we identity these vile traitors and run them out? 

We have to continue to support all Black Nationalist and Pan African efforts. We are embarking to heal our continent, our diaspora and the entire planet. The Black race owns this planet and are the mothers and fathers of all living. Dr. France Welsing devoted her life to healing the greatest challenge of our time. She said, there will be no justice until the system of White Supremacy and Racism is off this planet. 

Black Nationalists Fundraisers

Bleed the beast and Support the only solution to injustice, "Black Nationalism" List of Black Nationalist fundraisers. Gardening Gifts for Mother  
Supporting all these worldwide fundraisers would cost about 50 U.S Dollars. Give as much as you can, it all goes to support infrastructure for African American communities.
Our main donation page at OyoTunji African Village. We are raising $15 dollars per month via 100, 000 brave lionesses and lions, who are ready to support a Black Nationalist economy. $127,000,000 million in 7 years, lets keep it going strong. Click here: Oyotunji African Village Kingdom
Help save Gullah Gee Chee land. Fighting hard for African liberation since the 17th century, descendants of Angola, the Gullah Gee Chee people, managed to preserve some of their native tongue, their ancestry culture and pride. From slave revolts to freeing other slaves, civil rights struggle, Pan-Africanism, many of the members of the famed, "Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church" of Charleston are Gullah Gee Chee descendants. Because of the low state of economy of South Carolina's Low Country, government seizure of their lands and vicious taxation, many Gullah people are losing their lands. But you can help them out with a small donation. Here is their GoFundMe page: Pan African Family 
Dr. Umar Johnson's fund me page. Click here: Dr. Umar Johnson School for Black Boys 
He is raising $5 Million dollars for a high tech private school for our young boys. If we could reach 300,000 people this would give Dr. Johnson his $5 Million for the school. A girl's school would be the next ideal mark and also Queen's club where our women can gather for they are the leaders of the family's interest. 
Also support the Collect Black People Movement. They have a .27 a cent day, $8.10 fundraiser a month, they already have a thousand people signed up. Click here: Black People's Collective Movement 
Much love for my believers on the Nation of Islam they also have a fundraising that's set at .30 cents day, about $10.00 a month. They are shooting for 16 million people, trying to raise about 250 million in a year. Click here: Economic Blue Print 
Empire Washitaw De Dugdahmoundyah. The Nation of ancient American Mound Builders they came before Columbus from Africa on Egyptian boats. Africans were sailing the seas for thousands of years. The Washitaw are ruled over, like the Gullah, by a Queen Mother, Her Highness Devine: Empress Wendy Farica Washitaw. Please show your support for their nation. We are only as strong as our weakest link as African Diaspora. The Washitaw donation page:The Washitaw Empire  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Please support all these Black Nationalists efforts to provide true economic freedom and total liberation for all African Diaspora. The hand has five fingers and they all must be strong, work in coordination, to build a stronger Diaspora. 
Henry Garnett said, "If we are to bleed, then lets bleed all at once. 
Those who have it to give should give large amounts. In the upper ranges of $250.00 one time. If we can get 10,000 people to give $250 that would be $2.5 Million to complete , His Royal Majesty Oba Adefunmi II's 7 year plan, all in month. So give now! Up you Mighty Nation

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